After you’ve created your free account, this guide will help you get up and running with your first Piccles experience.

The Basics

Create an Account

Log in to your account at If you have not created an account yet, you can make one for free here:

Making your first activity

After logging in, you will see a big green “Create New” button

Toggle Lists

Callout Blocks

<aside> 💡 Notion Tip: Create a callout block like this by typing /call and pressing enter. Helpful for adding inline instructions, warnings, disclaimers, and tips. Change the emoji icon by clicking on it.


Code Blocks

You can add code notation to any Notion page:

Hover over this block to see the <b>Copy to Clipboard</b> option!

Organizing Pages

Instead of using folders, Notion lets you nest pages inside pages. Type /page and press enter to create a sub-page inside a page. Like this:

Copy of Example sub-page