<aside> đź’ˇ Piccles Tip: This page documents how facilitators should run their Piccles activities and ways to interact with their audience.


1. Getting everyone in

You have just started sharing your screen to the Piccles Patch and now you want your audience to start participating. The easiest way for everyone to participate is:

A) Scanning the QR code. Call attention to the QR code on the left of your screen by clicking it. This will enlarge the QR code. Clicking anywhere will minimize it again. iPhone owners need only open their camera and point it at the code while Android owners need to open their QR code reading app.

Screen Recording 2022-02-15 at 9.25.11 AM.mov

B) Pasting link in the chat. Under the QR code is a green “Copy Link” button. Clicking this will copy a link that can be pasted into the chat. Upon clicking this link, your audience will be taken to the creation canvas on whatever device they are on.

2. Highlighting drawings

Your audiences drawings are now populating the Piccles Patch and you want to start interacting with them. Highlight any drawing by double clicking on it.

Screen Recording 2022-02-15 at 9.36.40 AM.mov

There is an X in the top right corner of every highlighted drawing that will minimize it again. While a drawing is highlighted, you can also double-click surrounding drawings to highlight them without clicking the X.

FACILITATOR TIP: Highlight drawings to spark conversation

With groups of 30 or less, you can highlight individual drawings to “pass the conch shell” and give everyone a chance to speak and explain what they are trying to represent.

As long as your drawing is the one highlighted, you have the floor to speak and explain your thoughts, ideas and feelings. Once they’re done, thank them for sharing, and highlight the next response.

For group know each other really well, you can ask specific people “who do you think drew this one” and test their knowledge of each other. After a few incorrect guesses, the real author usually reveals themselves and shares their story behind the drawing.

With groups of 30 or more, it can become difficult or uncomfortable for people to come off their microphones and speak in front of the group. In these cases, the facilitator can highlight drawings and give their own interpretation of it, going drawing to drawing to express the individual viewpoints before summarizing all of the responses together.